Friday, May 22, 2020

Conspiracies of the United States - 1268 Words

Have you ever wondered how things would turn out in the United States if certain situations did or didn’t happen? Imagine what the United States economy would be like if 9/11 didn’t happen the day it did, John F. Kennedy were never assassinated, and AIDS were actually created by the CIA. All of these conspiracy topics and more contain a mass amount of information. If they are indeed true, would we have more freedom as citizens or would our economy come crashing down? Some conspiracies of the United States have shaped citizen behavior and affected our economical and future with complete freedom forever. On October 22nd, 2007 The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention posted a web article which admitted that polio vaccines contained a cancer-causing virus. The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention also known as the CDC, deleted the post within the week it was posted. The National Center for Biotech Information Center confirms that Micro biologist Maurice Hilleman discovered Simian Virus 40 was contained in polio vaccines administrated from 1995. (Hilleman) The CDC stated that the virus was removed from the vaccine in 1961. Records show that contaminated vaccines were used until 1963 and were used in different parts of the world until the 1980’s. (Varmus) As a result of the 98 million people given a polio vaccine; 30 million received the contaminated dose. (Hilleman) On May 10th, 2002 a Pathologist by the name of Dr. Michelle Cabone tested theShow MoreRelatedThe Conspiracy Theories Of The United States1605 Words   |  7 Pagesterrorist attac k or a shooting was actually a conspiracy by the United States? What is a conspiracy? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a conspiracy is â€Å"a secret plan made by two or more people that is harmful or illegal†. There are so many conspiracy theories out there in the world starting as early as the 1800s. 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While these experiments range vastly concerning procedures, outcomes, and justification, they all existed to outsmart international enemies efficiently. The government bioethics conspiracy I researched is Project MKUltra. This was a secretive CIA program that experimented with mind control, hallucinogenic drugs, and the behavioral engineering of humans from 1953 to 1973. Because the program existed for a couple decades, it encompassedRead MoreConspiracy: The United States is Making Concentration Camps Essay756 Words   |  4 PagesConspiracy: United States Are Making Concentration Camps The United States have withheld information to the public all the way back to the founding fathers. There are camps that the United States have created called FEMA camps otherwise known as Federal Emergency Management Agency that are similar to the ones used in World War II. 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A conspiracy theory is an explanation of an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy without warrant. Conspiracy theories generally involve an illegal or harmful act carried out by the government or other powerful actors.The Moon landing is still one of the biggest conspiracy theories in the world. After forty-eight years it is still being debated and discussed in many laboratories,Read MoreThe Assassination Of John F. Kennedy1620 Words   |  7 Pagesgunman was held accountable. The United States Government claimed that it was an easy, open and closed case. They found Lee Harvey Oswald, close to ground zero, with a freshly fired riffle, immediately after JFK was shot. Contrary to the governments report, skeptics argue a vast scope of conspiracies to shed light on what they believe happened that day; ideas ranging from magic bullets, multiple shooters, and alternate motives from the same shooter. Although JFK conspiracies usually contradict each otherRead MoreEssay about Criminal Conspiracy in Historical Common Law1065 Words   |  5 PagesCriminal Conspiracy in Historical Common Law The law of conspiracy is considerably more complex and uncertain than it need be because the statutory reform of the area largely contained in Part I of the criminal law Act 1977 was only partial. As a result, there are now two types of conspiracy – statutory conspiracies governed by the 1977 Act, and an important but limited range of common law conspiracies, which were expressly retained by the act, still governed by the old common law rules, (TomlinsRead MoreHow Social Factors Can Contribute Conspiracy Theories? Essay1348 Words   |  6 Pagespurpose of this study is to give a better understanding on how social factors can contribute to conspiracy beliefs and to bring systematic evidence upon two questions: â€Å"Who believes conspiracy theories, and what sources of information are associated with believing conspiracy theories?† (Stempel 2007:353) There are many conspiracies that could have been used to answer these two questions, but the conspiracies that were chose n are related to the attacks on 9/11 (Stempel 353). Nine hypothesis were generatedRead MoreThe Assassination Of The United States On September 11853 Words   |  4 Pages The famous events that took place in the United States on September 11, 2001 were a conspiracy. There is no denying this when, by general definition, a conspiracy is â€Å"a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal†, (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, n.d.). For the purposes of this paper, it is more beneficial to use Sustein and Vermeule’s definition which states that an idea can be considered a conspiracy theory if it is, â€Å"an effort to explain some event or

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