Monday, December 23, 2019

The Theory Of Effective Altruism - 968 Words

Effective altruism is a movement that focused on both the heart and the head. It allows people to feel empathy towards others and use reason to make a decision that is â€Å"effective and well-directed.† Peter Singer, a moral philosopher, addresses an audience in a TED talk regarding effective altruism and personal obligation towards others. His effective altruism relates closely to the ethical framework of utilitarianism as well as deontology of philosopher Immanuel Kant. Peter Singer’s idea of effective altruism follows greatly from his commitment to utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that claims that an action is moral only if it maximizes utility, or happiness, for the collective good. In his TED talk, Singer uses several examples of effective altruism that follow his commitment to utilitarianism. One of the main concerns related to effective altruism that he addresses is the overall effectiveness of certain charities and this relates to his commitm ent to utilitarianism. One example that he used was related to providing a blind American person with a trained service dog. These dogs cost about $40,000 to train and they benefit one person. However, with that same amount of money, somewhere between 400 and 2,000 people living with trachoma in developing countries could have been cured of their blindness. In this case, Singer would argue that providing a service dog to a blind American would not be ethical because it does not provide the greatest amount ofShow MoreRelatedKant And Kant s Theory1368 Words   |  6 Pagesone also needs to consider whether his / her actions respect the human being goals or just merely using them for own selfish ambitions. In addition, if no is the answer, then such action should not be undertaken. 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Regard-ing perceived similarity, perhaps some people see themselves as being similar to most every-one, therefore have less reliance on stereotypes and schemas. Empathy A central element of altruism is empathy, involving affective, cognitive, and neuro-physiological processes. Three key components of empathy are personal distress, empathic concern, and perspective taking (Habashi, Graziano, Hoover, 2016). Personal distress is self-centeredRead MoreOrganizational Citizenship Behavior Is Defined As A Set Of Behaviors1669 Words   |  7 PagesThey presented their genuine theories that was further carried by a number of researchers like Podsakoff and Mackenzie in 1993, Jhangir et al., in the year of 2004, Khalid and Ali in 2005. In 1983, researcher named as Smith et al., specified two basic dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior which are known as altruism and generalized compliance. 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The term itself originated in the 19th century, first coined by French philosopher, Auguste Comte. Since then however, there have been many different theories and evaluations regarding altruism. David Sloan Wilson, a distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences and Anthropology at Binghamton University, has attempted to provide a new insight into this topic, using hisRead MoreThe Importance Of Professionalism At A Physical Therapy Degree Program944 Words   |  4 Pagesphysical therapy degree program I am asked to define professionalism. Professionalism, according to the American Physical Therapy Association, is broken down into five core values: integrity, accountability, excellence, compassion and caring, and altruism.1 Each of these core values are equally important and will be discussed in the following paragraphs. Integrity is the first core value and one that I deem to be most important. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Benefits of studying abroad Free Essays

Studying abroad is one of the best experiences a student can have in the course of learning. Students who go through such an experience have been at advantaged position as they have been able to sample a different culture from their own. Studying abroad involves going beyond the border mostly to a foreign country. We will write a custom essay sample on Benefits of studying abroad or any similar topic only for you Order Now Students moves to a new environment which might be totally different from what he or she is used to. At times the students may be introduced a new system. The reasons as to why people go to study abroad are as varied as the number of students who go through such an exciting experience. (Cressy, W 2004) Studying abroad usually prepares the students to work and live in a multicultural setting where they interact and learn about the other cultures. It encourages students to have academic discipline as they learn to reason in a totally or slightly different system. Through such an experience students are taught to be independent where they get to do things on their own sometimes in environment which encourage tolerance and accommodation. Through such an exposure the students learn to respect other people’s ways of life despite the differences. This enhances their prospects for the future jobs especially those which are international in nature. (Cressy, W 2004) Studying in a foreign country affords the students many rare chances, these includes learning a new language and an opportunity to experience different cultures, history and environment. It accords the students an opportunity to witness some of the things learnt in text books firsthand. In the modern world employers are seeking skills which have been polished through overseas engagement. A student who has studied in a foreign country will be in a better position to secure employment as he or she will be bringing a new experience to an organization. Studying abroad is a very special opportunity which helps the students to develop certain skills, adaptability and confidence. It is an adventure that moulds the students into individual who can fit in different cultures around the world. Reference Cressy, W (2004) A guide to Studying Abroad, Princeton Review How to cite Benefits of studying abroad, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Future Plans About Graduate School free essay sample

He is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech. [1] His work frequently employed settings from rural life in New England in the early twentieth century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes. One of the most popular and critically respected American poets of his generation, Frost was honored frequently during his lifetime, receiving four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry. Biography Early years Robert Frost was born in San Francisco, California, to journalist William Prescott Frost, Jr. , and Isabelle Moodie. [1] His mother was of Scottish descent, and his father descended from Nicholas Frost of Tiverton, Devon, England, who had sailed to New Hampshire in 1634 on the Wolfrana. [citation needed] Frosts father was a teacher and later an editor of the San Francisco Evening Bulletin (which later merged with the San Francisco Examiner), and an unsuccessful candidate for city tax collector. After his death on May 5, 1885, the family moved across the country to Lawrence, Massachusetts, under the patronage of (Roberts grandfather) William Frost, Sr. , who was an overseer at a New England mill. Frost graduated from Lawrence High School in 1892. [2] Frosts mother joined the Swedenborgian church and had him baptized in it, but he left it as an adult. Although known for his later association with rural life, Frost grew up in the city, and he published his first poem in his high schools magazine. He attended Dartmouth College for two months, long enough to be accepted into the Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Frost returned home to teach and to work at various jobs – including helping his mother teach her class of unruly boys, delivering newspapers, and working in a factory as an arclight carbon filament changer. He did not enjoy these jobs, feeling his true calling was poetry. Adult years In 1894 he sold his first poem, My Butterfly. An Elegy (published in the November 8, 1894, edition of the New York Independent) for $15 ($398 today). Proud of his accomplishment, he proposed marriage to Elinor Miriam White, but she demurred, wanting to finish college (at St. Lawrence University) before they married. Frost then went on an excursion to the Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia and asked Elinor again upon his return. Having graduated, she agreed, and they were married at Lawrence, Massachusetts on December 19, 1895. Frost attended Harvard University from 1897–1899, but he left voluntarily due to illness. [3][4][5] Shortly before dying, Roberts grandfather purchased a farm for Robert and Elinor in Derry, New Hampshire; and Robert worked the farm for nine years, while writing early in the mornings and producing many of the poems that would later become famous. Ultimately his farming proved unsuccessful and he returned to the field of education as an English teacher at New Hampshires Pinkerton Academy from 1906 to 1911, then at the New Hampshire Normal School (now Plymouth State University) in Plymouth, New Hampshire. In 1912 Frost sailed with his family to Great Britain, settling first in Beaconsfield, a small town outside London. His first book of poetry, A Boys Will, was published the next year. In England he made some important acquaintances, including Edward Thomas (a member of the group known as the Dymock Poets), T. E. Hulme, and Ezra Pound. Although Pound would become the first American to write a favorable review of Frosts work, Frost later resented Pounds attempts to manipulate his American prosody. Frost met or befriended many contemporary poets in England, especially after his first two poetry volumes were published in London in 1913 (A Boys Will) and 1914 (North of Boston). As World War I began, Frost returned to America in 1915 and bought a farm in Franconia, New Hampshire, where he launched a career of writing, teaching and lecturing. This family homestead served as the Frosts summer home until 1938. It is maintained today as The Frost Place, a museum and poetry conference site. During the years 1916–20, 1923–24, and 1927–1938, Frost taught English at Amherst College in Massachusetts, notably encouraging his students to account for the myriad sounds and intonations of the spoken English language in their writing. He called his colloquial approach to language the sound of sense. [6] In 1924, he won the first of four Pulitzer Prizes for the book New Hampshire: A Poem with Notes and Grace Notes. He would win additional Pulitzers for Collected Poems in 1931, A Further Range in 1937, and A Witness Tree in 1943. [7] For forty-two years—from 1921 to 1963—Frost spent almost every summer and fall teaching at the Bread Loaf School of English of Middlebury College, at its mountain campus at Ripton, Vermont. He is credited as a major influence upon the development of the school and its writing programs. The college now owns and maintains his former Ripton farmstead as a national historic site near the Bread Loaf campus. In 1921 Frost accepted a fellowship teaching post at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he resided until 1927 when he returned to teach at Amherst. While teaching at the University of Michigan, he was awarded a lifetime appointment at the University as a Fellow in Letters. [8] The Robert Frost Ann Arbor home was purchased by The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan and relocated to the museums Greenfield Village site for public tours. In 1940 he bought a 5-acre (2. 0Â  ha) plot in South Miami, Florida, naming it Pencil Pines; he spent his winters there for the rest of his life. 9] His properties also included a house on Brewster Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that today belongs to the National Historic Register. Harvards 1965 alumni directory indicates Frost received an honorary degree there. Although he never graduated from college, Frost received over 40 honorary degrees, including ones from Princeton, Oxford and Cambridge universities, and was the only person to receive two honorary degrees from Dartmouth College. During his lifetime, the Robert Frost Middle School in Fairfax, Virginia, the Robert L. Frost School in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and the main library of Amherst College were named after him. Frost was 86 when he read his well-known poem The Gift Outright at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy on January 20, 1961. He died in Boston two years later, on January 29, 1963, of complications from prostate surgery. He was buried at the Old Bennington Cemetery in Bennington, Vermont. His epitaph quotes the last line from his poem, The Lesson for Today (1942): I had a lovers quarrel with the world. One of the original collections of Frost materials, to which he himself contributed, is found in the Special Collections department of the Jones Library in Amherst, Massachusetts. The collection consists of approximately twelve thousand items, including original manuscript poems and letters, correspondence and photographs, as well as audio and visual recordings. [11] The Archives and Special Collections at Amherst College holds a small collection of his papers. The most signi ficant collection of Frosts working manuscripts is held by Dartmouth. Style and critical response The poet/critic Randall Jarrell often praised Frosts poetry and wrote, Robert Frost, along with Stevens and Eliot, seems to me the greatest of the American poets of this century. Frosts virtues are extraordinary. No other living poet has written so well about the actions of ordinary men; his wonderful dramatic monologues or dramatic scenes come out of a knowledge of people that few poets have had, and they are written in a verse that uses, sometimes with absolute mastery, the rhythms of actual speech. He also praised Frosts seriousness and honesty, stating that Frost was particularly skilled at representing a wide range of human experience in his poems. [12] Jarrells notable and influential essays on Frost include the essays Robert Frosts Home Burial' (1962), which consisted of an extended close reading of that particular poem, and To The Laodiceans (1952) in which Jarrell defended Frost against critics who had accused Frost of being too traditional and ou t of touch with Modern or Modernist poetry. In Frosts defense, Jarrell wrote the regular ways of looking at Frosts poetry are grotesque simplifications, distortions, falsificationscoming to know his poetry well ought to be enough, in itself, to dispel any of them, and to make plain the necessity of finding some other way of talking about his work. And Jarrells close readings of poems like Neither Out Too Far Nor In Too Deep led readers and critics to perceive more of the complexities in Frosts poetry. 13][14] In an introduction to Jarrells book of essays, Brad Leithauser notes that, the other Frost that Jarrell discerned behind the genial, homespun New England rustic—the dark Frost who was desperate, frightened, and brave—has become the Frost weve all learned to recognize, and the little-known poems Jarrell singled out as central to the Frost cannon are now to be found in most anthologies. [15][16] Jarrell lists a selection of the Frost poems he considers the most masterful, including The Witch of Coos, Home Bur ial, A Servant to Servants, Directive, Neither Out Too Far Nor In Too Deep, Provide, Provide, Acquainted with the Night, After Apple Picking, Mending Wall, The Most of It, An Old Mans Winter Night, To Earthward, Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening, Spring Pools, The Lovely Shall Be Choosers, Design, [and] Desert Places. [17] In The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, editors Richard Ellmann and Robert OClair compared and contrasted Frosts unique style to the work of the poet Edwin Arlington Robinson since they both frequently used New England settings for their poems. However, they state that Frosts poetry was less [consciously] literary and that this was possibly due to the influence of English and Irish writers like Thomas Hardy and W. B. Yeats. They note that Frosts poems show a successful striving for utter colloquialism and always try to remain down to earth, while at the same time using traditional forms despite the trend of American poetry towards free verse which Frost famously said was like playing tennis without a net. [18] In providing an overview of Frosts style, the Poetry Foundation makes the same point, placing Frosts work at the crossroads of nineteenth-century American poetry [with regard to his use of traditional forms] and modernism [with his use of idiomatic language and ordinary, every day subject matter]. They also note that Frost believed that the self-imposed restrictions of meter in form was more helpful than harmful because he could focus on the content of his poems instead of concerning himself with creating innovative new verse forms. [20] Personal life Robert Frosts personal life was plagued with grief and loss. In 1885 when Frost was 11, his father died of tuberculosis, leaving the family with jus t eight dollars. Frosts mother died of cancer in 1900. In 1920, Frost had to commit his younger sister Jeanie to a mental hospital, where she died nine years later. Mental illness apparently ran in Frosts family, as both he and his mother suffered from depression, and his daughter Irma was committed to a mental hospital in 1947. Frosts wife, Elinor, also experienced bouts of depression. 8] Elinor and Robert Frost had six children: son Elliot (1896–1904, died of cholera); daughter Lesley Frost Ballantine (1899–1983); son Carol (1902–1940, committed suicide); daughter Irma (1903–1967); daughter Marjorie (1905–1934, died as a result of puerperal fever after childbirth); and daughter Elinor Bettina (died just three days after her birth in 1907). Only Lesley and Irma outlived their father. Frosts wife, who had heart problems throughout her life, developed breast cancer in 1937,

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards Essay Example

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards Essay In â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,† Jonathan Edwards uses many different figures of speech to persuade his congregation. The first figure of speech that Johnston uses is a simile. Jonathan also uses metaphors in his sermon to persuade the sinners. The most important example of figurative speech would be imagery. Jonathans use of figurative language is important to the overall meaning of the sermon because figurative language helps to explain the overall meaning. The first type of figurative language that Jonathan uses is a simile. In this part, Jonathan is explaining that when God returns, it will not be good for the sinners. â€Å"The wrath of God is like great waters that are damned for the present; they increase more and more, and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given, and the longer the stream is stopped, the more rapid and mighty is it’s course, when once it is let loose† (Edwards 80). The purpose of this figure of speech is to get the congregation to think about when God releases his anger he will do it with great force. The next example of figurative speech and â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† is a metaphor. We will write a custom essay sample on Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Jonathan uses a metaphor to compare gods anger to the string of a bow. He explains that God’s precious love is what keeps the arrow from going through the peoples heart,â€Å"The bow of God’s wrath is bent, and the error made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your heart and strains the bow, and it is nothing but the mirror pleasure of Godthat keeps the arrow from being made drunk with your blood.† (Edwards 109). This metaphor compares gods anger to the string of a bow being pulled and ready to let go, but not yet let go. The comparison shows that God’s wrath comes with great power and could severely destroy mankind. The last example of figurative speech in â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† would be imagery. Imagery plays an important role in Jonathan

Monday, November 25, 2019

How is humour created and employed in Episode 6 of Blackadder Goes Forth Essays

How is humour created and employed in Episode 6 of Blackadder Goes Forth Essays How is humour created and employed in Episode 6 of Blackadder Goes Forth Paper How is humour created and employed in Episode 6 of Blackadder Goes Forth Paper Essay Topic: Black Boy Literature Episode six of Blackadder Goes Forth is called Goodbyeee. It was written by Ben Elton and Richard Curtis. Goodbyeee is set in World War One, at the battle of the Somme; in the trenches. World War one is a difficult subject but the writers decided to add a humorous edge to highlight the serious issues of war. Blackadder was always shown before the nine oclock watershed therefore it is suitable for all ages of viewers. There are many types of humour used throughout programmes over the years: Firstly the physical world letting people down. This is often houses collapsing, or cars running away. An example of this type of comedy is featured in The Chuckle Brothers. Secondly the absurd. This type of humour is typical in cartoons, where injuries are never permanent. Commonly used in The Simpsons or Tom and Jerry. Thirdly sexual innuendos. This is where one character will say something innocent; this could be Show us your jugs love. It is implied to the audience that this is a sexual comment, but as the camera turns to the female, she would be holding two jugs of water. Sexual innuendos are used throughout Carry On films. Fourthly satire. Institutions such as the Government, or the Royal Family, are poked fun at. Have I Got News for You revolves entirely around satire. Finally self criticism or self depreciation. For example, Ronnie Corbett is famous for using this type of comedy. He was constantly cracking jokes about his personal flaws or un-favoured features. The first type of humour that is used in Goodbyeee is; verbal humour. Verbal humour could be puns, sarcasm, insults or wisecracks. Other than in Blackadder, this type of humour is used by Frank Skinner and Paul Merton. The second type of humour that is used in episode six of Blackadder Goes Forth is visual humour. It may also be known as slapstick. This could be a custard pie in the face, or somebodys trousers falling down. Other than in Blackadder, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy are famous for using visual comedy in their acts. Overall, Blackadder is known as Black comedy. This means making serious issues or subjects into something amusing. The serious issues may be death, food shortage or war. The first time we hear verbal humour being displayed in Goodbyeee, is when Lieutenant George talks about the Pals Battalion that he signed up for the war with. All of Georges friends had rather strange nicknames, e. g. Bumfluff, Jacko and Badger, Sticky and Drippy and Mr Floppy. We hear Lieutenant George tell us that he and his friends had beaten the Oxford Tiddlywinkers only the week before. George then goes on to tell us that, unfortunately, all of his pals had died during the war, although he talks about their deaths in sporting terms. This tells the audience that George has no real concept of war, and even though he is well educated, he has no real life learnings; he is very nai ve. Due to his naivety, George is like a walking, talking propaganda poster. He is very nationalistic and uses jingoistic language gathered from the propaganda at home. The second time we hear verbal humour, is when Edmund Blackadder, gets cold feet about going to war. He decides that he is going to act like he has mental problems, in order to be sent home. He repeats words such as wooble, cluck cluck gibber gibber pah pah etc. Obviously Blackadder is petrified of going to war, unlike educated, middle class Lieutenant George. Blackadder understands that if he goes over the top he faces certain death. Later on Baldrick demonstrates that he doesnt actually know why the war started, a bloke called Archie Duke killed an ostrich cause he was hungry? he questions. The audience knows that the war started because Austro-Hungary invaded Germany. We can instantly tell that Baldrick is ill educated, and easily confused, but also, Baldrick is very loyal to anyone in a superior position to himself, I think this because he fights in a war that he doesnt even know why it began. In the next section of the scene, we are introduced to General Melchett. He does not have to live in the trenches; he is a higher ranking member of the army. Like Lieutenant George, General Melchett is a public school boy, who is well educated, but has no real understanding of war and death. General Melchett thinks that the men who are fighting in the war are just numbers, not lives that are being thrown away. He talks about war in sporting terms we ducked and we bobbed and we wove and we damn well won the game 15-4 Earlier in the scene, we hear Baldrick tell Blackadder what he has been making coffee from for the last thirteen months; since they ran out of real coffee. It had been made from hot mud, saliva, and dandruff. At this point in the scene, Baldrick offers Officer Darling a cup of coffee. Being unaware of what the coffee is actually made from, Officer Darling gladly accepts, adding that he would like a milky one. This is dramatic irony because only the audience realise what Darling is going to receive in his coffee cup. Baldrick disappears to make the coffee, the camera cuts from the room, but a horrible throaty noise can be heard from outside the dug-out. When the camera returns to the scene, Baldrick gives Darling the cup of coffee; Darling takes one sip and immediately spits it out. This may be very funny, but it is also outlining the serious issue of rationing and food shortage. Whilst verbal humour is used frequently throughout the episode, several references to war are highlighted by visual humour. The first example of visual humour we see in the final episode of Blackadder Goes Forth is Baldrick eating a cigarette. Edmund Blackadder had offered all of the gentlemen present a cigarette. They all gladly accepted, and all except Baldrick, lit their cigarettes and happily puffed away. However, Baldrick willingly chomped his gift. This is uproarious to watch, but also gives an insight into Baldricks character. He is loyal as he doesnt want to refuse a gift from a peer, but also because he is probably starving due to the serious issue of rationing during the war. Further on in the episode, another serious issue is highlighted by visual humour. Blackadder put two pencils up his nostrils and a pair of underpants on his head; trying to demonstrate that he has gone mad and should be sent home immediately. Blackadder had changed his mind about going over the top; he was scared of the certain death that awaited him there. Blackadder was being pro-active, but unfortunately his plan failed. Towards the end of the episode, we see General Melchett talking to Officer Darling. Whilst Melchett is wearing his bed time attire, he is also sporting and unusual looking item: a hairnet covering his moustache. To the audience this reinforces the fact that they think his is disillusioned; an unusual character. A lot of dramatic devices are used to add to the significance of one specific part of the episode. The social and historical context and the serious issues surrounding war. Dramatic devices are added to the visual humour to reinforce the significance of the scene. For example, Field Marshall Haig takes a sweeping brush and knocks down several toy soldiers off a mock battlefield, and into a dustpan. This dramatic device signifies how senior members of the army rank, who were not fighting on the front line, didnt care how many men were being slaughtered by the German soldiers. Serious issues, such as: rationing, water-logged trenches, the Christmas Truce and the fact that Baldrick didnt even know why the war had begun. The serious issue of rationing is highlighted by the previously mentioned coffee scene, involving Baldrick and Officer Darling, and Baldrick eating a cigarette. The Somme Public Baths, no running, shouting or piddling in the shallow end, this entertaining speech that Blackadder recites into the telephone receiver is immediately informing the viewer that is would be possible to swim in the trenches. Again highlighting a serious issue, this time the issue is water-logged trenches. We hear the three main characters Blackadder, Lieutenant George, and Baldrick talking about the previous Christmas, when there had been a ceasefire. The English and German troops played football on no-mans-land. The gunfire had stopped they attempted to swap cigarette cards, and had broken Christmas greetings for each other. When asked if he could remember the Christmas Truce, Blackadder replies Remember? How could I forget? There was no way I was off-side. This again is adding a humorous edge to a serious situation. At the end of the episode, the soldiers take their positions at the bottom of the ladders that they will climb to go over the top. A steady drumbeat is played; this is intended to give the effect of an approaching execution. The whistle is blown and all men advance up the ladders and over the top. All the characters yell, the German soldiers open fire before theyre even off the ladders. The scene changes to slow motion and explosions happen all around them. An echoed piano slowly plays the theme tune; this is a very emotive device, as it creates a sombre atmosphere. The view of the soldiers on the battlefield surrounded by barbed wire, slowly changes into the field as it was in 1989. Overgrown with poppies, grasses and other flowers; peaceful with chirping birds. This emotive dramatic device creates a very dark and sombre atmosphere for the episode and series to end on. I would like to think that the writers purposefully showed the image of the battlefield with poppies, to pay respect to all those who died in the war.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Central Role of Entitativity in Stereotypes

Everyone has their own perception and thinking about a particular event. It is not necessary that every person perceive the similar events identically. There can be difference in the perception of different people. This is because perception portrays the thought processes of the person or it can be said that the way a person thinks is the base of what he will perceive about a particular event (Young, Hellawell and Hay, 2013). Perception designed the behaviour or the response of the person to a particular situation or stimuli. This is reason why behaviour and response of the person also differs with the difference in their personality and thinking. When many of the individual faces any situation, he used to organize the information he observes and then process it to take out an outcome. The difference in their process of aligning and assessing the information makes the people different (Walker-Smith, Gale and Findlay, 2013). There are many factors that can affect the change in perception of the people at personal life as well as on the workplace. These are the factors related to the vicinity environment of the people. As the environment changes, it may be possible that the perception of an individual towards a particular thing or event can also change (Gibson, 2014). The attitude and the behaviour of the person also results in biasness in perception. As the individual makes a perception about an event, they become bias as well. Some of the factors are discussed below that leads to distortion in the perception and biasness in the mature of the people (Broadbent, 2013): Selective perception is the first and the major factor that affect perception of the individual. Everyone receives large amount of information from the outside stimuli. It is not possible for the individual to observe everything or assesse very information (Slovic, 2016). Thus, the final behaviour of the person demands on what that person has selected to observe from the information. This selective information forms the selective perception of the person. At the same time, it is possible that another individual have selected different type of information from the same stimuli and thus have different perception from the first person (Krishna, 2012). Selective tendency lead to biasness because the individual used to observe the information according to his comfort and ideas. In this type of selection, the individual looks only for the information he believes in and thus leads to biased decisions. Another factor that can affect the perception of the individual is stereotype. It can be d efined as the generalized thinking that has been framed by an individual for a particular group of people (Chen and Tsai, 2007). When an individual judges a person belongs to a particular group than the shortcut method of stereotyping is used to make the perception. Stereotyping allow the people to manage the small amount of information available for a particular type of people. It is very simple method of evaluating others by looking for the characteristics of the group they belongs to. It is very common method to be used from making perception (Mancini, Longo, Kammers and Haggard, 2011). However, it is common does not mean that it can be accepted as the universal method and is always correct. It can develop errors or distort the perceptions from truth.   At the workplace, stereotype develops negative results. This is because the whole group is perceived to be of a particular kind only by assessing or interacting with a particular person from the group (Spencer-Rodgers, Hamilton and Sherman, 2007). It is not necessary that the person can represent the whole group by his views. There can be different views and attitude of the people in a single group as well. Sometime the perception of the individual can be made only by judging only one traits of the person. This method of making perceptions is called Halo effect. It is the effect that results in perception by only one trait of the individual and assuming that the other traits are also associated with this trait only. For example, if a girl is beautiful and attractive, the boss perceived that she is intelligent and god performer (Hu and Lindemann, 2009). Later on he realized that he is not good in typing. This is the perception error he has in his mind because of the one trait of that girl that is beauty. Halo effect creates error in the perception nada los creates biasness (Hu and Lindemann, 2009). As in the above case, the boss thinks that beauty means intelligence which is the wrong perception. Beauty is different trait and intelligence is very different. It is saying that â€Å"first impression is the last impression†. This is because when a person met another person first time, he perceives something from his personality and then it becomes his perception for that person for life time. This is not always true and thus first impression can also distort the person and create biasness. It is very difficult for the individual to change the first impression they had on another person. But that does not mean that if a person has been arrogant at the time when he was observed by another person is arrogant in nature (Sikdar and Mitra, 2012. It depends on the situation when the two people met or confront each other. There may be another reason behind such behaviour of the person. Therefore, making a perception only by judging the person’s first impression is also wrong. Contrast effect can be learnt in this context of making perception. Contrast effects are the effects that a re very different from the environment and draw the attention of other. This also helps in making or creating the perception for a person. Projection is another factor that can alter the perception of the people. The next factor that can be considered to have an impact of the perception is the projection. Projection refers to perceiving others as own. The people who believe in projection perceive the individual as what they like to perceive and what they are rather than whet that person is. This is a very wrong way of perceiving others as this have many errors. There are many implicit theories of individual that support them to have perceptions. These theories are made by tem only and this decides their way to perceive other person. These theories can be correct for one person but may get wrong for different person and thus create distortion in the perception (Nosek, Smyth, Sriram, Lindner, Devos, Ayala, Bar-Anan, Bergh, Cai, Gonsalkorale and Kesebir, 2009). Distortion in the perception is the very big issue and this needs to be overcome by the people in their personal as well as professional life. This is because distortion or wrong perception about any individual may lead to harmful effects for them. There are many ways in which an individual can improve or correct their perception process in their personal life. The first way is to improve self-perception. Self-perception is based on self-esteem and it is very personal that it cannot be judge as wrong or right (Hammi, Samp, Rà ©muzat, Auray, Lamure, Aballà ©a, Kooli, Akhras and Toumi, 2014). The individual himself has to identify the negative and positive of his perception process and then try to overcome the negative part so that this factor may not distort his perceptions. Avoiding schemata is another way to resolve this issue. Schemata means the set of information perceived or observed by the person that becomes the basis for that person to perceive others. Following the pattern every time in perceiving others result in distortion and the individual should avoid this. There are many environmental factors such as society, family etc. that affect our thinking process and perceptions towards a particular event. It is very necessary fir the person to be critical in judging these social factors that affect the thinking. This is because these factors not only provide the positive perceptions but sometimes lead to develop negative perception that may be wrong. Sometimes, the people develop their own prophecies to judge anther individual. For example, there was a biology teacher in a school who belongs to China. Students thought that he would not be a good teacher as he does not know how to speak English properly (Pronin, 2008). This was a very wrong perception made by their own assumption that he belongs to China and cannot speak good English without actually experiencing his teaching. This made their perception wrong and distorted. Better communication and intera ction making the people can resolve this issue. It is required by the people to communicate more with the people so that they can better judge them by assessing al their qualities rather than making assumptions. If two people properly interact with each other, they get to know each other better and make their perception by assessing the actual traits of the person. There will be no other environmental factor that can affect their thought process that time. If a person chooses his or her life partner, they took time to know each other rather then deciding after one meeting. This is because interacting and communicating with each there helps them to develop better understanding. It is not only in personal life but at the workplace also, this issue of distortion in perception generates. At organizational level, it is very important to have correct perception in order to make better decisions for the human resource of the organization. Any distortion in the minds of the manager about a person can lead to wrong decision of promotion or demotion and thus can affect a person’s life very badly (Pronin, 2007). At the organizations, the management of the company has to take many decisions regarding training, promotion, Pay scale etc. this decision shouldn’t be made on assumptions and should be made on assessing all the factors and the traits of the employees. The management should implement some of the strategies such as 360 degree analysis, interviews, and other evaluation techniques to judge the person. This is because these techniques where all the employees of the organization participate and all the factors of the organization are considered c an only lead to better and efficient decision. An example can be taken in order to understand the concept better. Suppose, if a manager has to choose a team leader in his team. He used the method of stereotype and selected the person who belongs to an educated family to be a team leader. This is his perception that the person belongs to a good and educated family that means he can be a team leader but in reality it was not the case. After sometime the manager realized that another person of the same team is doing very good in his work and have all the skills of leading the team (Moore and Small, 2007). This suggests that assessing the skills of the person is required to take such decision rather than the perceptions. Perception are the part of an individual’s personality and thus it is not necessary that every person always perceive things right. It is also not important that every individual behave similarly in every situation and perceive similar thing about a particular person. Distortion in the perceptions is very common practice but it should be removed by the people in order to take better decision about others. It can be concluded that every individual should assess the environment and other factors that can help in making perceptions of the people. Broadbent, D.E., 2013.  Perception and communication. Elsevier. Chen, C.F. and Tsai, D., 2007. How destination image and evaluative factors affect behavioral intentions?. Tourism management ,  28(4), pp.1115-1122. Gibson, J.J., 2014.  The ecological approach to visual perception: classic edition. Psychology Press. Hammi, E.E., Samp, J., Rà ©muzat, C., Auray, J.P., Lamure, M., Aballà ©a, S., Kooli, A., Akhras, K. and Toumi, M., 2014. Difference of perceptions and evaluation of cognitive dysfunction in major depressive disorder patients across psychiatrists internationally.  Therapeutic advances in psychopharmacology,  4(1), pp.22-29. Hu, G. and Lindemann, S., 2009. Stereotypes of Cantonese English, apparent native/non-native status, and their effect on non-native English speakers’ perception.  Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,  30(3), pp.253-269. Krishna, A., 2012. An integrative review of sensory marketing: Engaging the senses to affect perception, judgment and behavior.  Journal of Consumer Psychology,  22(3), pp.332-351. Mancini, F., Longo, M.R., Kammers, M.P. and Haggard, P., 2011. Visual distortion of body size modulates pain perception.  Psychological Science,  22(3), pp.325-330. Moore, D.A. and Small, D.A., 2007. Error and bias in comparative judgment: on being both better and worse than we think we are.  Journal of personality and social psychology,  92(6), p.972. Nosek, B.A., Smyth, F.L., Sriram, N., Lindner, N.M., Devos, T., Ayala, A., Bar-Anan, Y., Bergh, R., Cai, H., Gonsalkorale, K. and Kesebir, S., 2009. National differences in gender–science stereotypes predict national sex differences in science and math achievement.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,  106(26), pp.10593-10597. Pronin, E., 2007. Perception and misperception of bias in human judgment.  Trends in cognitive sciences,  11(1), pp.37-43. Pronin, E., 2008. How we see ourselves and how we see others.  Science,  320(5880), pp.1177-1180. Sikdar, A. and Mitra, S., 2012. Gender-role stereotypes: Perception and practice of leadership in the Middle East.  Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues,  5(3), pp.146-162. Slovic, P., 2016.  The perception of risk. Routledge. Spencer-Rodgers, J., Hamilton, D.L. and Sherman, S.J., 2007. The central role of entitativity in stereotypes of social categories and task groups.  Journal of personality and social psychology,  92(3), p.369. Walker-Smith, G.J., Gale, A.G. and Findlay, J.M., 2013. Eye movement strategies involved in face perception.  Perception,  42(11), pp.1120-1133. Young, A.W., Hellawell, D. and Hay, D.C., 2013. Configurational information in face perception.  Perception,  42(11), pp.1166-1178.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Environmental project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental project - Essay Example Sustainability of the project is among the greatest challenges toward implementation of the entire canopy walkway facility in the short run and long run (Schowalter & Jerry 2012, p. 4). The positive and negative effects of the project to the environment are critical to execution. A canopy walkway would help pedestrians, researchers and tourists with uncomplicated access to the canopy of the Tropical Forest biome. Construction of walkway bridges supported by cables and pathways that do not require researchers’ physical efforts are some of the key tasks. Generally, researchers for a long time have relied on rope climbing techniques (Schowalter & Jerry 2012, p. 4). The economic benefits of a canopy walkway are the main motivating factors to its implementation. The walkway will also provide opportunity for further education alongside opening up avenues for local community participation. However, the project must adhere to the laid down procedures of environmental management as wel l as forest conservation bodies (Schowalter & Jerry 2012, p. 4). 2.0 Overview of Environmental Impacts The canopy walkway will generate array of challenges to the environment as well as the local inhabitants. The walkway will cause damages to trees and canopy. Such damages would be detrimental to long-term goal, which is to step up forest conservation and other natural resources within the locality and the Tropical region at large (Zeppel 2006, p. 220). In addition, the canopy walkway will interfere with the habitats of various animals. Birds together with animals that live on top of large trees would lose their habitat to construction processes. Therefore, birds of different species will perish or migrate during construction work. Tourist activities and construction process might lead to air and soil pollution. For instance, tourist might careless dispose food items, plastic materials and chemicals substances thereby causing pollution to the soil. Similarly, these food substances c ontribute to air pollution upon decomposition. Furthermore, the canopy walkway might contribute to an alteration of the relationships that previous existed between competing species (Zeppel 2006, p. 220). For example, destruction of trees to give way for construction work and certain feeding habits. Careless damping of injurious items, chemicals, and bridge constructions may cause significant decrease in biomass and contribute to mechanical damages to the vegetation. 3.0 Environmental Benefits of Project Canopy walkway project has significant benefits to the environment as well as local community. Revenues obtained from tourists could be used to facilitate conservation of the area. Since canopy walkways are constructed high above the ground, they spare several animals their habitat against probable destruction if roads or pathways were to be constructed within the forested zone in place of canopy walkways (Buckley 2009, p. 117). Moreover, people who visit the walkway carry new ideas that help influence their own lives and lives of people in their home states or countries. Thus, environmental conservation would become a universal requirement or necessity nationally and globally. Bringing local and foreign tourists to the area will positively influence environmental conservation processes and procedures alongside contributing to economic development (Buckley 2009, p. 117). The local community through its environment management organization will use funds obtained from tourism to enhance awareness creation and responsiveness to conserve Mother Nature and other inherent resources. Passing over the canopy is not only a memorable experience but also a challenge

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Social Entreprenuerism Writtien Assignments 2-5 Coursework

Social Entreprenuerism Writtien Assignments 2-5 - Coursework Example Production should be at a reasonable cost without compromising the quality of products or services. In addition, after the production, the products or services should be made accessible to the prospect market at the required time (Jay & Gillian 2012). This would enable the business to remain competitively advantaged within the industry. As the company maximizes on achievement of results, it should also focus on remaining socially irrelevant. The company should be able to identify its weaknesses in ensuring that it meets its set objectives. For example, the costs of production should not outweigh the revenue flow (Jay & Gillian 2012). The products of the company should also remain relevant to the market to ensure that the business remains on top of its competitors. Each market or field of operation in a business has external opportunities. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the business has a mechanism of exploiting such opportunities. However, the business should only adopt such responsibilities if they embrace the social value equation of the business (Jay & Gillian 2012). It is not prudent to pursue opportunities that present potential threats to the business, either internally or in the external environment (Jay & Gillian 2012). The threats that arise in a business present the organization with an opportunity to develop counter measures that will enable the business to be relevant and retain its competitive advantage. A Cooperative strategy refers to a strategy where different firms work together to achieve a common objective. It is an attempt by companies to realize their goals and objectives by cooperating with other organizations instead of competing with them. Cooperative strategies are significant for firms competing in the global economy. However, discussions show that they are prone to failures due to their complexities

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Personal Discovery Essay Overview Essay Example for Free

ï » ¿Personal Discovery Essay Overview Essay This essay is intended to guide the student from identifying a problem or situation, taking some action in regard to the situation, and writing about the experience while supporting/developing their evaluation/analysis with two primary sources. A General Overview: First, you will be given a professionally-generated article that addresses a particular topic. This semester, the topic will involve health risks. Second, you must decide upon an activity after reading the article. For instance, since the article you will be given is on health risks, you will will need to identify two activities you can perform that will effect the consequences of your chosen health risk. Third, you will write a first draft of an essay of about 750 words (three pages) in which you discuss the activities and what motivated you to choose those activities, followed by your reactions and responses (such as â€Å"What did I learn?† And â€Å"Why could it be valuable to me?†) Fourth, find an article in the Three Rivers Rutland Library data base which provides additional information or that either refutes or corroborates what your rough draft says. Ideally, this one will help you determine the best practices for avoiding or managing the health risks. Incorporate information in the form of direct quotation and paraphrasing according to MLA style into the final draft. Finally, prepare a final draft of the paper in which you analyze the experience and the article, then synthesize all of the information into a cohesive essay. This essay will be the final assignment of the semester, so it is important to do your very best work. The final essay shuold be of 750 1,000 words, not including the correct MLA-style Works Cited page. Short Writing Assignment #7 Instructions: Read and study the information from the following web page: Download the Article Close Reading template (located in the Assignments: Unit 5 folder) Complete the template through a close reading of the article. Minimum Requirements: Completed Article Close Reading document for Top 10 Leading Causes of Death by Rachael Rettner. Since you have used this template before, take into account any suggestions or comments I provided you with to make sure you make the fullest use of the template possible. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE Attached Files: Article Close Reading Document.docx (15.785 KB) Short Writing Assignment #8 Instructions: Choose two activities which you can do over a period of a few consecutive days which may prevent your death or the health-related consequences for you from the chosen malady. Make sure you think about the activities you choose to give before you decide. They should be planned, not spontaneous events. Once you perform your activities, notice the immediate effects and think about their long-term value. How did you feel when performing your activities? Were your activities difficult? How did you feel after the experience? Sit down and write about the experience while it is still fresh in your mind. Minimum Requirements: Compose a 200 300 word reflection on your activities. Make sure you clearly identify your chosen health malady and the activities you performed in the context of your reflection. Personal Discovery Essay First Draft Instructions: Using the following outline, compose a rough draft of your Personal Discover Essay. . INTRODUCTION:Mention the article and author. Give the briefest summary of the main points that relate to your paper. As you agree or disagree with the ideas, a thesis should develop. PERSONAL:Why did you choose to do these particular malady and activities? Were they the most convenient, the most inconvenient, or did they involve activities that had been on your mind, for example? How did you feel when you anticipated the activities, before you actually performed them? ENVIRONMENT:Identify your activities. What exactly did you have to do? Give some detail about this so the reader can imagine how much (or how little) was done. REACTION:What was your  reaction? How did you feel, both physically and mentally, after performing your activity? Did this surprise you? Have you had other experiences where you’ve changed your actions, or added activities, based on your health decisions? If so, how did this reaction compare to that experience? INTERPRETATION:Consider this experience in light of Rettners article. How do you think her numbers would change if everyone took these activities seriously? Do you think there is a significant chance others will follow your lead? Will you continue to perform these activities in the future? Do you think others are likely to do so? Why or why not? CONCLUSION:Tie the essay together, reiterating your thesis, perhaps mentioning Rettners article one more time. Make a statement about health activities, predict what would happen if more of us were required to try to improve our health, or discuss how we would be affected if we expected more healthy living activities of ourselves. Try for a fresh and original ending to this essay. Minimum Requirements: Write the first draft of an essay of about 750 words in which you discuss what you did and what motivated you. Part of the essay should discuss the article and your feelings about it, while it should also include your reactions and responses Personal Discover Essay Instructions: Find an article in Three Rivers’ Rutland Library database that provides additional information or that either refutes or corroborates what you said in your first draft. The article may discuss public service, student character, or any other aspect of your essay. Incorporate the information from your new article into the final draft of the Personal Discovery Essay. The final draft should demonstrate your ability to analyze the experience and what was read and then synthesize the information into a cohesive essay. Minimum Requirements: A final draft of the Personal Discovery Essay which syntheses of the genesis article, first hand information gathered in real time, and a supporting document located in the database into a single essay of 750-1000 words. In addition the the essay, you should include a correct MLA-style Works Cited  page containing citations for the Rettner article, as well as the database article. Apply the scientific and healthcare professionals’ advice and expertise to craft an essay of Personal Discovery which uses both your day-to-day altered habits and the science that backs them up in an essay which incorporates the best practices of our three major essays this semester

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Napoleon Bonaparte Essay -- History Biography Biographies Essays

Napoleon Bonaparte   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Napoleon Bonaparte is considered to be one of the greatest conquers and captains of modern times. In history perhaps no one person has ever aroused so many intense opposite emotions. Perhaps no one had ever claimed as much of the admiration, fear, and hatred of all men as did Napoleon. Napoleon was a man with many sides. He started many of his challenging voyages and defeats as a young child and they continued throughout his life. He had many accomplishments and many defeats that affect the world in which we live. Napoleon plays a very big part in history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, at Ajaccio, in Corsica. His parents were Charles Marie Bonaparte and Marie-Letizia Ramolino who also lived in Corsica.. Although Corsica was Napoleon's home most of his schooling was conducted in France. On December 15, 1778, at the age of nine, Napoleon left Ajaccio to go and study the French Language at a school in Brienne. Later, at the age of sixteen, Napoleon decided to enter the artillery so that maybe his brains and industry would balance his lack of outward advantages. On October 28, 1785 he joined the LA Fere located in Valence. A little over ten years later he decided to get married to Joshephine de Beauharnais from Martinique in the Indies. After many years of marriage, Napoleon realized that his wife was getting older and he had no heirs, so in 1809 he divorced her to look for a younger bride. In 1810 he met and married Archduchess, Marie Louise the eighteen-year-old daughter of Emperor Francis I of Austr ia. During their marriage Napoleon and his new wife conceived one child, a boy also named Napoleon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Napoleon was a man known for his greatest powers and successes as a leader. One of the many successful things Napoleon did early in his life was develop a highly successful military strategy. His tragedy consisted of starting a battle with an enemy while holding his forces back. He would then look for the enemies weakest points and throw all his strength against that point. This newly developed strategy helped him to win many of his attacks such as his attack on and defeat in Italy against Austria and his battle and defeat in Egypt against the Turks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After Napoleon's defeats in Egypt he returned to France where he seized control of the French government in November 1799. After ten years of revolut... ...n hands. However, in the states he created, Napoleon granted constitutions, introduced law codes, abolished feudalism, created efficient governments, and fostered education, science, literature, and arts. Napoleon still remains one of the outstanding figures of his time even though he was selfish in his power and had some occasional defeats.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today in the world in which we live many people look back at Napoleon as a legend. Although he has many lasting affects on the world and holds a very important part in history, today that kind of aggressive dictatorship would not be tolerated. When people look back at Napoleon's leadership they think of all the needless wars and lives that were lost due to his obsession with power. Today, people would not want to live under the strict control of any form of government like dictatorship. When many people think of this form of government they are very cautious because with dictatorship comes a very restricted life. People do not want any one individual to have all the power because bad decisions are made sometimes and the people have to pay. People would rather have control of their own government instead of it having control of them.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Effective Business Communication Essay

â€Å"I like writers who shoot straight. When they are happy, you know it. When they are angry, they let you know.† Success of any business lies in effective communication. The more effective the communication is, the better the results are. Communication is effective when it produces desired action in the reader or audience. You should be straight forward and sincere while communicating in a business environment. If you are not honest and direct when communicating to others there is a greater chance that you may lose the trust of the person you are speaking with. Without trust there is no bonding between two parties which can lead to direct business loss and low morale in the workplace. In a business environment, the more you know about the person you are communicating to can make it easier to concentrate on their needs which in turn will make it easier for them to hear your message, understand it and respond to it positively. I like for people to speak to me direct and straight forward, no matter what the subject matter is about. If I did something incorrect, I want you to tell me what I did wrong, explain to me how to fix it, and then we move on. Working in Human Resources, I have learned everyone does not want to be spoken to in a straightforward manner. In the past I had to find ways to tell employees they messed up on a project, but I had to hold their hand (not literally) throughout the conversation so their feelings would not be hurt.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Partnership and Limited Liability Partnership Organization Essay

Introduction This is a report that shows a comparison between both Partnership and Limited Liability Partnership organization and to advise Mr. Tan on the business organization that is more likely to fit his needs for setting up a new consulting business. For this particular project, our group assumed that Mr. Tan used to be an accountant working for a big accounting firm and is now looking to set up a small accounting consultancy business. 1Process Required to Setup Business Organization Below are the processes to setting up a partnership and a limited liability partnership business organization respectively: 1.1Partnership Firstly, the partners have to fill with the Registrar an application for approval and reservation of partnership name. After the application is being approved, a partnership is required to be registered online via BizFile with ACRA through a professional business registration firm if both of the partners are not local citizen. The partnership must have at least two partners for registration. Following are the information needed: 1) Proposed name of the Partnership 2) Particulars of the partners/managers (foreign passport or Singapore ID) 3) Residential address of the partners/managers 4) Consent to Act as Manager and Statement of Non Disqualification to Act as Manager 5) If partner is a company: Registration details of the company 6) Singaporean or PR must pay Medisave 7) Declaration of compliance ACRA will then send an email of notification confirming the registration. A  business profile containing the registration details can be obtained as a softcopy via email from ACRA upon successful registration. Softcopies are usually sufficient to all purposes in Singapore. (enterAsia Information Services Pte Ltd, 2010) 1.2Limited Liability Partnership Firstly, the partners have to fill with the Registrar an application for approval and reservation of LLP name. After the application is being approved, an LLP is required to be registered online via BizFile with ACRA through a professional business registration. Following are the information needed: 1) Proposed name of the Limited Liability Partnership 2) Particulars of the LLP partners/managers (foreign passport or Singapore ID) 3) Residential address of the LLP partners/managers 4) Consent to Act as Manager and Statement of Non Disqualification to Act as Manager 5) If partner is a company: Registration details of the company 6) Declaration of compliance ACRA will then send an email of notification confirming the Singapore LLP registration. A business profile containing the registration details can be obtained as a softcopy via email from ACRA upon successful registration of the LLP. Softcopies are usually sufficient to all purposes in Singapore. (enterAsia Information Services Pte Ltd, 2010) 2Legal Characteristics of Each of the Business Organizations 2.1The Characteristics of Partnership (ASSAR, 2011) Two or more persons: Partnership involves business by a group of persons. There must be at least two persons to bring partnership into existence. Although there is no maximum number required in the Partnership Act, the Companies Act has placed a maximum limit 20 people in a business. A company must be registered if there are more than 20 people in the business. Contractual Relation: A partnership is a contractual relationship arising out of an agreement among the partners, a person does not become a partner out of his status as is the case in joint family. Persons entering in partnership must be competent to enter into a contract as it is essential, and the agreement among partners may be oral or in writing. A written agreement or deed is preferred because it helps in resolving some disputes among partners later on. Lawful Business: A partnership agreement only exists in a lawful business. Sharing of profits: An agreement among partners must include the sharing of profits and losses. A charitable trust cannot be called partnership because there is no sharing of profits. Profit sharing is only a superficial evidence of partnership but not a conclusive proof. The employees of a business may also share profits but they are not the partners. No Separate Legal Existence: A partnership firm is not a legal entity of its own. This means that the firm and the partners are one and the same. A firm is only a name to the collective name of partners and no firm can exist without partners. The rights and liabilities of the partners are the rights and liabilities of the firm. Management of the firm vests in partners who are its owners also. Unlimited Liability: Every individual partner is liable jointly and severally for the obligations of the partnership firm. Therefore, if assets of the business are not sufficient to meet the liabilities of creditors then private property of partners can be used to meet them. The creditors can claim their dues from anyone or all the partners. If these liabilities are met by one partner then he is entitled to receive rateable contributions from other partners. Restriction on Transfer of Shares: No partner can transfer his shares to an outsider without the unanimous consent of all other partners. It is based on the principle that a partner being an agent of the firm cannot delegate his authority unilaterally to outsiders. Utmost Good Faith: The very basis of partnership business is good faith and mutual trust. Each and every partner should act honestly and fairly in the conduct of business. A firm cannot be run if there is suspicion among partners. Partners must have faith in each other for running the business smoothly. 2.2The Characteristics of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) A limited liability partnership is a business structures that operates similar to a partnership organizational structure. The difference is the limited personal liability afforded to each member of the company. Each partner is responsible for their own actions while conducting business. LLPs are tailored for professionals, such as doctors, lawyers and accountants. (Howell, 2012) Every Partner Equal: Each partner is an equal member in a LLP company. They decide together on various company issues, such as the name of the business, where it is located and how it is going to be operated. Partners also share equally in the profits and losses of the business. The number of people in LLP must not exceed 20. Limited Liability Protection: Each partner in this type of company is protected against the actions of the other partners which results in a lawsuit. For example, if one partner is subject of a malpractice claim and loses in court and have to pay damages, the other partners are not held financially responsible. However, partners in a LLP are liable for the obligations of the company such as loans used to purchase equipment and utility expenses. Pass Through Taxation of Profits: A limited liability partnership company is taxed similar to a business formed under the partnership and sole proprietorship organizational structures by a process called pass-through taxation. The company profits are not taxed at the company level but instead  are â€Å"passed through† to the partners to be reported on their individual tax returns. This prevents the double taxation that occurs in corporations where profits are taxed at the company and shareholder levels. 3Advantages and Disadvantages of Partnership and LLP 3.1Partnership Advantages of Partnership 1. Capital: Due to the nature of the business, the partners would contribute their share of capital to start up the business. Hence, the more partners there are, the higher the amount they could put into the business. This would give the partners better flexibility and greater potential for growth. It also means more potential profit, which would be equally shared between the partners. 2. Flexibility: It is generally easier to form, manage and run a Partnership. There are fewer restrictions in a partnership than in companies, in terms of the laws governing the formation. As the partners have the only say in the way the business is run without the interference of shareholders, they are far more flexible in terms of management, as long as all the partners can agree. 3. Shared Responsibility: Partners would be able to share the responsibility of the running of the business. This would allow the partners to make the most of their abilities and potential. Instead of dividing the management and taking equal shares of each business tasks, they would be able to divide the work according to their skills. Thus, if one partner is good with figures, they could deal with the book keeping and accounts, while the other partners might have different niche areas and specialize in different tasks. 4. Decision Making: Partners share the decision making and can help each other out when needed. With more partners means more brainstorming could be in place and the information they came out with could be picked out for  business ideas and for the solving of problems that the business may encounter. (Adrain, 2010) Disadvantages of Partnership 1. Disagreements: One of the most common disadvantages of partnership is the possibility of disagreements between the partners. People often have mixed ideas on how the business should be run, the task arrangements and are picky about what the best interests of the business are. All these might lead to arguments which might not only endanger the business, but also the relationship of those involved. That is why it is always preferred to draft a deed of partnership during the formation period to ensure that all partners are aware of what are in place in case of disputes and prepare for the procedures if a partnership is dissolved. 2. Agreement: As the partnership is jointly run, it is crucial that all the partners agree with decisions that are being made. This means that in some situations there is less freedom with regards to the management of the business. This is especially so compared to sole traders, where the sole trader need not seek agreement from anyone but himself. 3. Liability: Ordinary Partnerships are subject to unlimited liability, which means that each of the partners shares the liability and financial risks of the business equally. This might put of the idea of partnership for some people, as they might not want to take the risk. 4. Profit sharing: As partners share the profits equally, it can lead to inconsistency where one or more partners are not contributing a fair share of effort into the running or management of the business, but still reaping equal rewards. 3.2Limited Liability Partnership Advantages of Limited Liability Partnership (Janus Corporate Solutions, 2008) 1. Separate Legal Identity: A limited liability partnership has a separate legal identity. They can own properties, at the same time they can  enter into contracts, and sue or be sued in its’ own name. 2. Limited personal liability: The partners of the limited liability partnership will not be held personally liable for any business debts incurred by the limited liability partnership or the wrongful acts of their partners. A partner may, however, be held personally liable for claims from losses resulting from his own misconducts or omission. 3. Perpetual succession: Any changes in the limited liability partnership (e.g. resignation or death of its partners) do not affect its existence, rights or liabilities. 4. Ease of compliance: Compliance requirements are more complex than sole proprietorship but simpler than a private limited company. Disadvantages of Limited Liability Partnership (Janus Corporate Solutions, 2008) 1. Formation of limited liability partnership requires a minimum number of 2 partners at all times. 2. Individual partners can commit the partnership to formal business agreements without the consent of their partners. 3. Limited liability partnership lacks the ease of ownership transfer and investment that a company structure provides. 4. There are no corporate tax benefits: Tax exemptions are available to private limited companies but are not available to limited liability partnerships. A limited liability partnership is treated as tax transparent which means that limited liability partnerships are not taxed as an entity. Instead each partner is taxed on their share of the profits as per the personal income tax rates. 4Analysis on Choosing the Business Organization Since Mr. Tan is setting up a business for accountancy consulting, he should  opt for a Limited Liability Partnership organization instead of a Partnership. Mr. Tan is currently new to the business world, and might not have found a partner he could fully trust yet; therefore it is also to his advantage if his partner were to act wrongfully or if there is a change in partners, since in LLPs, partners are not liable for losses to outsiders arising from acts of another partner as compared to an unlimited liability if he were to go into a Partnership. In addition, the LLP is also not subject to full financial reporting and disclosure requirements, such as those on capital contributions and changes to capital (ACRA, 2005). This is an advantage to Mr. Tan’s business. Since the business is small, minor changes to capital will not have to be subjected to full reporting and disclosure. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, LLPs are tailored for accountants. With that, our group is certain that Limited Liability Partnership Organization will meet the needs of Mr. Tan’s new consultancy business. Bibliography ACRA. (2005, May). Retrieved February 5, 2012, from ACRA Legal Digest Issue 8: Adrain. (2010). The company warehouse. Retrieved 2012, from The company warehouse: ASSAR, R. (2011). Publish Your Articles. Retrieved February 2012, 6, from e-characteristics-of-partnership.html enterAsia Information Services Pte Ltd. (2010). entersingaporebusiness. Retrieved Feb 05, 2012, from LTD Singapore: Setting up a limited liability partnership (LLP) in Singapore: enterAsia Information Services Pte Ltd. (2010). How to set up a partnership in Singapore. Retrieved Feb 05, 2012, from entersingaporebusiness: Howell, R. (2012). Hearst Communications Inc. Retrieved February 6, 2012, from Hearst Communications Inc.: Janus Corporate Solutions. (2008). Singapore Limited Liability (LLP) Registration. Retrieved February 4, 2012, from guidemesingapore:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Dolls House Essays (477 words) - Explication, Literary Criticism

A Doll's House Essays (477 words) - Explication, Literary Criticism A Doll's House Explication of Dudley Randalls The Melting Pot An explication is an interpretation of a written work. They differ from person to person in that we all dont interpret things alike. It seems to me that we learned in high school about literature and such was a waste of memorizing and testing because we were taught only right answers about written works. There is no right way to interpret an authors work. What they do is leave doors open to make you think about their work. Even a songwriter does the same thing. Songs can be even more difficult to interpret than a poem or story because the first that thing usually attracts us to a song is the music and that is what we concentrate on mostly. Then a question comes about in my mind that why there has to be any answers or meaning to a work. Why cant I just enjoy a poem for the way it sounds when it is read aloud? Why cant I just enjoy a song for the way the words are put together and enjoy the music? It can be fun sometimes to analyze a work and pick out things like wonderful metaphors. I can see where that comes in to literature. What I hate is when I read a really great story and I enjoy it and then I go to class and get hounded for answers and I give them and theyre not right because I felt different about a story than someone else. Well, anyway, Im going to do the best explication I can of Dudley Randalls The Melting Pot on page 693. Bartorillo 2 The Melting Pot seems to be about anyone and everyone being accepted as Americans except Blacks. The second set of four lines is kind of funny because it gives you several names that sound un-American and when they come to be an American they lose that and use a more American version of their name. Even when people came through Ellis Island they usually took a different name or made theirs shorter to be more American. The next four lines read about a Black man who is unaccepted as an American even though hes been there waiting for it. The poem seems to say that no matter where youre from if youre white you can become a white American no matter what country youre from. It seems to say that were divided into Whites and Blacks regardless of nationalities. The end of the poem is where Blacks decide that theyre going to be who they are and be proud of it and they dont care about being accepted or not. So that was my own interpretation of a poem. Someone else might have another idea about it but that is perfectly okay because our minds work in all different ways.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Why does globalisation generate winners and losers Essay

Why does globalisation generate winners and losers - Essay Example Against this background, this essay seeks to critically analyse the extent to which globalisation can be said to be causing more harm than good to the other countries. The essay starts by defining the concept and goes on to analyse the factors that make globalisation unfavorable to the other countries. Basically, globalisation can be defined as the economic activity taking place across the national boundaries (Buckman 2004). Globalisation is a result of internationalisation of financial markets which aims to promote free trade as well as direct investment among member states across the world.  The advent of globalisation has resulted in the liberalisation of trade where the geographical barriers that used to block this kind of trade have been removed. This has resulted in people from different geographical regions becoming more connected. There are key players that drive globalisation and these include the multinational corporations, World Trade Organisation (WTO), World Bank and t he International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Rodrick 2001). Governments in different countries also play a pivotal role with regards to the concept of globalisation as they are the overall authority which would be responsible for regulation of the operations of the multinational companies. The WTO also plays a pivotal role in that it facilitates the platform through which international trade agreements are negotiated and enforced among member states. On the other hand, the World Bank and the IMF are major actors in that they provide with the needed financial assistance in the form of loans as well as technical assistance to the governments or multinational corporations that wish to invest in other different countries. However, whilst the concept of globalisation is noble in that it liberalised trade among nations, it can be noted that it is not the case the rich and powerful nations are in most cases on top of the situation where they are the ones who are seen carrying investment to lesser developed countries. This emanates from the view that the large financial institutions that should sponsor the activities of globalisation such as World Bank and IMF are controlled by the powerful and developed western nations. These developed nations have all the financial assistance they need at their disposal and they are the ones seen investing in poor and less developed countries whereas the less developed countries are not able to invest in developed countries. Thus, the flow of the wealth is often seen as one sided and there is no equality in terms of sharing of the wealth (Bond 2002). The wealth is seen flowing from poor countries back to the developed countries hence these nations will be winners while the poor countries will be losers. The developed countries aim at extracting wealth especially in rich mineral resources areas while the local people of the host country will have little to show for the investment carried out at their door step by the foreigners. The investo rs often get a huge chunk of the revenue generated from the investment carried in other countries. The local people are losers in this case as they suffer the fate of being used as cheap labour whereby they will be given very little pay that does not correspond with the amount of work they will be doing. Globalisation has often been criticized for the unfair redistribution of wealth that has been obtained in poor countries. The less developed countries in most cases do not have equal powers compared to their counterparts from the developed nations. For example, many African countries are very rich in terms of the natural resources they possess but unfortunately, most of these countries are very poor and are dependent on aid from the rich nations. Instead of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Assessment in Mathematics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Assessment in Mathematics - Essay Example Use of reasoning can only be achieved through questioning, a major theme in this essay. Additionally, learning cannot be termed successful if the learners have not been assessed (Black & William, 2001). From a simple question, a lot can be derived from just a single concept. This essay shall center on the implications of assessment on the teaching and learning environment in relation to the national and school’s policy. 1.0. Introduction In the course of teaching and learning, it is of the essence that a myriad of tests are given to learners so as to make certain that the learners are well tested on the concepts taught in the classroom. With the concepts trained in Mathematics are mostly concerned with solving problems, the teachers cannot confine themselves on multiple choice questions, but quizzes that are meant to define the weight of understanding of the whole concept by the students. With the learners being subjected to challenging concepts by the day, the learners are at mot times at par with the concepts being taught in the classroom setting. This leads to the theory that both the formative and summative assessments cannot be estranged in the success of teaching and education and Mathematics. Analysts and researchers in the field of schooling claim that, no learning structure can be viewed as successful if the students have not been evaluated, and given a chance to improve on the previously achieved scores. With the learners having a chance to assess their improvement, learning becomes a joint approach between the educators and the learners. According to Donald &Ainsworth (2006), formative evaluation as compared to summative evaluation allows learners have an immediate assessment strategy on the concepts being taught in the learning environment. Detection of limitations they have on a certain concept, they are able to take charge of what they need to improve on, in the course of learning. Summative assessment on the other hand, is only designed fo r the long term results and grading of the learners. Critics argue that summative assessment is more of a tool that shifts its energies to general assessment of the learners, not considering the aspect of improving the learners’ ability on an immediate manner. In this case, it is warranted to make the assumption that formative assessment are of great importance to teaching and learning as compared to summative education (Stanley & Moore, 2009). Additionally, Lester & National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2007) indicate that if educators select formative assessments over summative assessments, their learners stand a better chance to have close monitoring of the learner progress and assistance on the tasking topics in the course of learning. Positive results are likely to be yielded in the learning environment with the educators devising the best approaches to apply while teaching. Positive results, new trends picked by the learners and varying responses can be well reco rded in the learning environment in the case of formative assessment, since the entire process is continuous. This essay shall focus on the current national policy on assessment in Mathematics, the school policy on assessment, after that give a critical reflection of my personal classroom practice with assessment in Mathematics. Finally, the essay shall make a conclusion on the importance of theories of assessment in Mathematics among my learners. 2.0. Body 2.1. Current national policy on assessment in Mathematics Maughan & Cooper (2010) indicate that in the UK, there have been massive attempts by